Rex Jaeschke
Computer Consultant


[Rather than reading one installment at a time, on-line, you can download Volumes of past postings, 12 per Volume. For details, go to the bottom of this page.]


My Personal Blog


Rules for Submitting Comments
Rex on English and Writing

Each month, around the 19th, I post an 8-page essay on a substantive topic to my personal blog. To get started, I suggest you read the first posting, from December 2009, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s Off to Blog We Go, as that sets the tone. After that, feel free to jump around as you like. Note that some essays are part of a series. The titles of these are grouped at the bottom of this page. 

Some essays in the pipeline are: 

  • Signs of Life: Part 37
  • Travel - Memories of Eastern Germany
  • Tales from an Aging Farmhand

Here are the essays posted thus far, with the most recent listed first:

Series: Travel

Series: What is Normal

Series: English

Series: A Little Bit of ...

Series: Autobiographic Essays

Series: Signs of Life

Series: Odds and Ends

Downloading Volumes as PDF Files

[Left-clicking on a Volume entry opens that file; right-clicking should allow you to save the PDF to your own device.]